Sunday, May 31, 2015

Trust and Faith

Boy, what can you say about trust and faith other than at times it can be hard.  This past few weeks Tim and I have experienced some disappointments.  We have tried to be strong and to put our faith and trust in God but there were times when I started to struggle.  It is hard to see His plan and when I thought I did it turned out I was wrong.  God obviously knew that this was a struggle for me this past week.

On Thursday I was supposed to miss part of Bible study to be with a friend but that was cancelled so I made it to the whole study.  And what was the lesson for this week?  Trusting God: Genesis 22:1-19.  Sigh.  We talked about the test of faith that Abraham experienced when he was told by God to sacrifice his only son and the faith and trust he had in God to follow his will.  It sure hit my heart to think about how God can test us and really push our limits.  I started to wonder if that is what He is doing with me.

Today I was hit again.  At church I sing in the praise band and it is always a wonderful experience.  There are some days I am up in front singing the songs for others to hear, but there are some days, like today, when I feel like the songs were picked for me to hear.  The sermon lesson today, you wonder. Where Does Faith Come From?  Another lesson on faith.  Pastor Steve discussed how we can have doubts, emotional doubts, in our faith and with God.  That is sure what I was going through.  I couldn't help but feel that the sermon was written for me to hear as well.  To end the service we sang Trust and Obey verses 1 & 5 and we ended with That's What Faith Can Do.  I couldn't make it through the songs.  They touched my heart and spoke to my soul.  God was trying to tell me that He knows I am struggling but that I need to continue to trust Him and have faith in Him.  Things will happen when He is ready.  I had to sit during the last half of the last song because I was crying to much to sing.  I tried hard to stay strong but my emotions got the best of me.  What was even more amazing was the response of my church family.  I am truly blessed.  When I sat down I immediately received a good long hug filled with encouraging words.  When the benediction song ended two other amazing ladies came up to me with tears and words of support and comfort.  Then I was helping move the music equipment two band members gave me the same response with words of prayer and support.  Even though these amazing women didn't know what was going on in my life at the time they were still able to have an empathetic heart and were there for me in my time of need.  Not only was there a supportive response from those at church but I even received a phone call from a friend who wasn't in at the service.  She was guest preaching at a different church this morning but she had heard I was having a rough morning and just called to see how I was doing.

This is not just a church family that I have, it is my FAMILY.  I am honored to have so many wonderful people in my life.  It gives me the strength to continue and to know that God is there for Tim and I during this process.  He might not be physically holding our hands and giving us a hug, but instead He is doing so through all of our amazing friends.  Thank you God for this blessing and this reminder of your great love!

View the amazing song by Kutless at the following address:

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